Single flat closure 11.3

My name is Carrie-Sam and I had just turned 36 when I was diagnosed with grade 3 multi centric invasive lobular carcinoma, stage 2. I was 25 weeks pregnant with my 5th baby at the time. I had a unilateral mastectomy and sentinel node biopsy when I was 27 weeks pregnant. I delivered my sweet baby boy at 36 weeks pregnant via an urgent and complicated c-section after 3 days of failed induction.

I was able to breastfeed from my right breast for 3.5 weeks until I started chemotherapy. I pumped and dumped all throughout chemo and for several weeks afterward, and I was able to breastfeed my baby again for a short time when he was 4.5 months old. It turns out I am also BRCA2+ and so I stopped breastfeeding to prepare for my prophylactic right mastectomy, which I just had 2 weeks ago (the day after my baby’s 1st birthday). I currently have flat closure on both sides, and am looking at DIEP flap reconstruction in the future.

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada with Dr. Lashan Peiris

Instagram : @cstkaczuk