ATM genetic mutation, Expanders to Implants, prophylactic 1.4

In 2020 I was diagnosed with carrying the ATM genetic mutation. My older sister is a breast cancer survivor- she had IDC at age 39. She’s the reason I was tested. My pathology report after initial surgery showed atypical ductile hyperplasia- I clearly made the right decision.
I had my prophylactic, under the muscle, nipple sparing mastectomy in August 2020. I had expanders placed at my mastectomy and in December I had my exchange surgery for silicone implants. I’m extremely active and running is my passion. I was so scared and worried not only how I’d look physically- but would I still be able to run and workout the way I once had. I’m happy to say I definitely can. But I will also say- I’m much more careful than I ever was in the past. I’m only 2 months post exchange and I do still worry that I could break them. Because of the lack of feeling in my chest, I just don’t want to injure them in anyway and not realize it.
Week one. 250 ml saline in the expanders and drains are still in. No fills yet.

profile 580ml UTM implants. I measure 32DD. I’m 5’5 125 lb