Double Mastectomy – Expanders to Implants 7.1 – Empowered Mastectomy

I’m in the middle of my journey, stalled by an infection. I had a double mastectomy on 04/28/21.


In these first photos, I have expanders in and the plan was to eventually go to implants UTM (under the muscle) once finished with chemo. I had expanders filled to 350 ml during surgery and 50 ml added at first fill. 

Double Mastectomy – Expanders to Implants 7.1
One day after double mastectomy surgery
2 weeks post op after first expander fill
2 weeks post op after first expander fill
3 weeks post mastectomy
3 weeks post op


JP (jackson-pratt)" drains
“JP (jackson-pratt)” drains
Scars caused by JP (jackson-pratt)" drains
When the drains are removed, usually between 1-2 weeks post op







right expander infection and removal

I actually had my right expander get infected and had to have it removed.

I’m frustrated but it is what it is.  When my port was placed, it caused my mastectomy incision to open back up.  After that, it would never close or heal since I was going through chemo.  My plastic surgeon even tried to stitch it closed again, but it didn’t work.  I did everything I could to keep it clean, but it still got infected. 

Once I’m all healed up from chemo, the plan is to put in a new expander in. It is VERY weird being flat on one side. I did get some knitted knockers, so that helps me feel somewhat normal when I go out (knitted knockers are charity breast prosthetics).

explant after infection